Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Task 21 - Twitter

A friend who works at QUT library was raving about Twitter last year but mostly from a social point of view but that's something I can live without.

I can see it has its uses, especially with breaking news events, eg the protests against the election results in Iran. I don't know about the technicality of blocking tweets but at least it cuts out barriers such as having to have access to a computer and web browser.

This Guardian article is a good one - Making the Most of Twitter

It would be interesting to see how libraries are using Twitter and the take up of library tweets.

Task 18 - iGoogle

I set up an iGoogle page and find it very similar to Netvibes which I already use.
I have something against monopolies so I'm going to stick with Netvibes, plus I'm happy with what it does and how it looks. I haven't looked at Google docs yet.

Tasks 15/16 - Wikis

Wikis have so much use in any field that is about collaborating and sharing information-so many uses for libraries. I really like Meredith Farkas' blog and her post on using a wiki for Subject Guides.

Some nice quotes on the LIBNET wiki.

Task 14 - Technorati

I really like the Technorati tour. It makes it look so easy to use and like a great tool if you are into blogs.

I'm now ready to do the task but I'm confused; the Technorati page doesn't look like the page on the video tour so I've gone to "Advanced search" (I wonder - do only librarians use 'Advanced Search' function?)to find out how many posts/tags/blogs there are on "Learning 2.0".

Looking at the 'Popular' blogs/tags/posts whatever... is interesting, but I'm not finding much useful stuff. I don't fully understand tags and how to use them for effective searching - all I can conclude is that they don't find me what I'm looking for.

Why would you use the tag "life"? What does it mean? There are 775,496 blogs with this tag. Oh well I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Task 13 - Del.icio.us

I can see the benefit of using this if you're using multiple computers - good idea.
I tried searching but found it difficult, the results were more interesting than useful. I found lots of blogs and this one - it's amazing - the absolute ultimate example of abandoned infrastructure that you can find all over Japan. I found this using the tags 'japan', 'architecture' - "Battleship Island".
Yay, finally I have an image on my blog; sourced from Skaddi on Flickr Flickr.

Berlin State Library-I think this is the one that features in the Wim Wenders' movie Wings of Desire. There are some scenes of the angels hanging out in the library.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Task 12 - LibriVox

It's a great idea and I like what they are doing.

I chose a couple to listen to but I was interested in listening to each of the versions available for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - a total of 3 and a fourth in progress.

The American accents are a bit much and one would put me to sleep but it's not fair to be overly critical, it's not easy to read aloud and make it sound good. It's interesting that one book can have several readers. It can be both good and bad as some of those voices could become quite boring after a while.

I also liked that the first version of Huck Finn had a pdf cd case cover you can print off.

Task 11 - Google Books

I like Google Books and to eventually have a tool to access the world's books is quite amazing. I've found some interesting and recently published books that are available full view. I'm not sure what Google mean that libraries will be able to 'subscribe' to the collection on Google. Well, of course it means money, but there I was thinking Google were doing this out of the goodness of their heart.

"My library" of books on Venice and its architecture is available for viewing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Task 10 - LibraryThing

I like the way it recommends books and definitely they are ones that I've put on my 'to read' list. Of the 5 books I chose, I've only read 2. The problem with this list is accessing it when I'm actually standing in front of the library shelves. I rarely remember a title, so I end up browsing and choosing some obscure and random titles.

I don't see myself as a regular user of LibraryThing but it's fun to play with. My profile is rather bare but you can view my book selections.

Tasks 8 and 9 - RSS Feeds

This is my third feed reader account now and I've had a bit of fun, but too much time searching for some interesting blogs to subscribe to. Subscribing to feeds is definitely useful-there's so much interesting stuff out there. I've got feeds to a couple of fashion sites and librarian blogs. I'm not sure about subscribing to so many news sites as the feeds just come pouring in, and how much news does one really want to/need to keep up with?

The thing is you need to log in to the feed reader each day to see what's new. I find this goes in waves of daily logging in and then weeks of not going near it.

In libraries and the research world RSS feeds are very useful-as you can get feeds of 'Table of contents' of latest issues of journals as well as feeds of new articles that match searches as well as citation feeds.

I've given up trying to put the link to share my feeds, the instructions on both the 23Things blog and blog lines aren't very clear.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Something technical

I've recently been playing with my ipod Touch. I've got some songs on there and I've subscribed to a podcast. I tried to put songs from a CD on it, but I'm stuck. The songs are in itunes but I can't figure how to get them onto the ipod.
I'm much better when someone shows me how to do these things - practical demonstration is my learning style. I'm not a big user of technology for entertainment, DVDs, CDs are my limit.

I do have a digital video cameral and my aim is to get some video editing software to edit recordings of my life and travels in Japan. I see myself as a mini documentary maker.


It's been fun exploring others' blogs. Some are so attractive - with the images, fonts and colours - mine is so boring by comparison. I do think the Wordpress templates are much more attractive so perhaps next time I decide to have a blog I'll go with Wordpress, I think I chose Blogger because I have a Google account.

I find I like reading the comments and I tend to read them more than the actual posts. When I was posting on the SSAH blog I felt like I was writing into some great void as no one commented.

Task 6 - Picasa

I've had a quick browse of Picasa and I prefer the way the photos are displayed. A webpage of thumbnails makes it much easier to browse than Flickr.

I saw Italy as a tag and then chose a photo of Venice, the most beautiful city in the whole world. At least this one describes what it is and exactly where. So many photos on both Flickr and Picasa, especially photos of sites and places, don't have any details - that's disappointing. But then so many of these travel photos are disappointing and quite boring anyway.

Some of the arty and experimental shots are great, and some of the nature ones are quite stunning, especially in Flickr.

I'm not going to create an album in Picasa. I have very few digital photos and am not going to borrow a digital camera to take any. Maybe I'll get to it at some stage in the future. Though from others' comments it seems Flickr is the best option.